The results of HESCO are as follows. (In no particular order)
エイチ・エンジニアリングシステムズ株式会社(HESCO) の実績先は以下の通りです。(順不同)
Overseas: Mongolia, Myanmar, Kiribati, Philippines, Mozambique, Guyana, Uruguay, Cambodia, Laos, Malawi, etc.
Domestic: Hokkaido, Fukushima, Wakayama
Design and consulting 設計コンサルティング | |
Myanmar | Design for Mobile phone tower sharing DC power supply |
携帯電話タワーシェアリングDC電源設計 | |
Kiribati |
Design for 400kW Solar power station |
400kW太陽光発電施設設計 |
Support for small-scale grid model construction business |
小規模グリッドモデル構築事業支援 |
Mongolia | Design for Grid connected substation of 110kV 50MW Solar power station |
110kV 50MW太陽光発電施設連系用変電所設計 |
Ulaanbaatar City Transmission and Distribution Network Expansion Project Feasibility Study | |
ウランバートル市内送配電網増強計画事業化調査 |
Data collection survey for low carbonization/de-carbonization and stabilization of Power system | |
電力系統の低・脱炭素化と安定化のための情報収集・確認調査 | |
Vietnam | Design for 250MW Hong Phong solar power station |
250MW Hong Phong 太陽光発電所設計 |
Mozambique |
Nacala Corridor Transmission Substation Network Strengthening Plan Feasibility Study |
ナカラ回廊送変電網強化計画事業化調査 |
Laos |
Survey on project development with the introduction of remote monitoring system for Hydroelectric power plants |
水力発電所向け遠方監視システム導入に伴う案件化調査 |
Thai | Technical evaluation of factory roof-mounted photovoltaic power generation equipment |
工場屋根置き太陽光発電設備の技術評価 | |
Fukushima pref. |
Design for 66/22kV Grid connected transmission line at Kawauchi, Futaba, Namie |
川内村、双葉町、浪江町 メガソーラー66/22kV自営送電線路設計 他 |
Construction work 建設工事 | |
Philippines |
Small Hydroelectric power station in Ifugao state 840kW |
イフガオ州小水力発電所建設工事 |
Kiribati |
Solar power facilities 400kW |
太陽光発電施設建設工事 |
Mongolia |
Drilling and geological survey for Mega solar power station |
メガソーラーボーリング地質調査他 |
Electrical work of Primary and secondary education facilities in Ulaanbaatar city |
ウランバートル市内初等中等教育施設建設のうち電気設備工事 |
Malawi | Emergency generator installation work for Clean water pump station in Lilongwe city |
上水ポンプステーション向け非常用発電機据付設置工事 |
Fukushima Pref. |
Civil work for Grid connected transmission line of Mega solar power in Kawauchi and Mouto |
川内毛戸太陽光発電所建設工事のうち自営送電線路土木工事 他 | |
Wakayama Pref. | Civil work and Electrical work for 111MW solar power station construction |
111MW 太陽光発電所建設工事のうち土木工事及び電気工事 | |
Hokkaido Pref. | 66kV Transmission tower insulator replacement work |
66kV送電線鉄塔碍子交換工事 | |
Maintenance and inspection 保守点検 | |
Cambodia | Making Operation and Maintenance manual and training for 230kV Grid system |
230kV送変電設備O&M作成及びトレーニング | |
Kiribati | Maintenance and inspection training for Solar power facilities 400kW |
400kW太陽光発電施設建設保守点検及びトレーニング 他 | |
Hokkaido Pref. | Annual all inspection for Mega solar facilities include 66kV, 22kV transmission line. |
メガソーラー年次総合点検 (66kV, 22kV 送電線点検含む) | |
Procurement of Equipment and materials 資機材調達 | |
Philippines | Measuring equipment for small hydroelectric power station |
小水力発電所向け計測機材 |
Mongolia |
Furniture and teaching materials for Primary and secondary education facilities |
初等中等教育施設向け家具及び教材調達納品 他 |
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